Web manual
* All controls shown are default controls.
* You can be operated in either the keyboard and game controller.
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
BackAbout android version
- This manual is a PC version for, but the basic method of operation is also in the Android version is the same. In the Android version, the screen displays the buttons for operating.
- Press Red button to fire a shot. If a support character is present, that character will fire a shot as well.
- Press Green button to change your support character (this only works if Sakura is wearing clothes).
Kuroha: While her attack power is low, her shots will home in on the enemies.
Kazari: Fires somewhat powerful shots along a predictable trajectory.
- Press Gray button to open the menu screen.
- Press Blue button to store up your shots. The next time you press Red button, all your stored shots will be fired simultaneously. If you have 5 shots stocked, your shots will become more powerful and longer ranged.
- Direction button
Direction button Up: Jump (press again in mid-air to perform an air jump)
Direction button Left/Right: Move
Direction button Down: Crouch (halves the hitbox for the main character. Used for avoiding attacks)
Press a directional button toward a wall in mid-air: Stick to that wall. Press the opposite directional button after that to perform a wall jump.
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
There is a boy who has the characteristics of both an angel and a demon. He is the only angel in existence who is unaffected by the Hell Element. Although he used to live in Heaven, he traveled to Hell on the order of Anastasia, the queen of Heaven. During his journey events happened that prevented him from returning to Heaven. Although he is capable of using both Divine Arts and Demonic Arts, he rarely uses Divine Arts anymore.
Sort of a sister to Sakura. She is actually a reflection of Sakura created by the forbidden mirror. She has a dominant personality. She assists Sakura in battle. Her true body exists within Sakura's heart. Her physical form is maintained by Sakura's arts, and she cannot maintain her presence if Sakura is asleep, unconscious or exhausted. When this happens she retreats to the flipside of Sakura's heart, and Sakura is unable to communicate with her anymore.
A wind spirit living in Heaven (actually, she is a being created by wind spirits). She traveled to Hell in order to rescue Sakura, who never did return from his journey there. As the Hell Element eroded her mind and she was on the brink of disappearing, she was reunited with Sakura. Kazari knew she was on the verge of death, so she asked Sakura to absorb her and join her with his soul.
The queen of Heaven. She has an all-encompassing aura about her, and many angels look up to her.
This girl is called the "devil" by a number of people. Who is she really...?
A guardian aligned with water created by the "Water Spirit".
A guardian aligned with water created by the "Earth Spirit".
A sand worm that lives in the desert. She took Sakura to Tera by Tera's instructions.
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
- (1) Sakura. The player character.
- (2) Support character. Will attack whenever Sakura attacks. Switch characters with the [C] key.
- (3) Feather icon. Only shown when jumping. Each feather will let you jump in mid-air once. Replenishes automatically when you touch the ground.
- (4) Life. This will decrease each time an enemy hits you. If it falls too low, Sakura's clothes and the support character will disappear.
- (5) Status effect. If you are afflicted by an abnormal status, an icon will be shown here.
- (6) Enemy character. These will attack you. If Sakura's life is reduced to 0, he will fall unconscious.
- (7) Unconscious enemy character. You can safely ignore these.
- (8) Dropped item. Sakura can collect these by touching them. Some items are necessary to complete the game.
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
You can move using the cursor keys. Use Left and Right to move, Up to jump and Down to crouch.
Air Jump
If you press Up while in mid-air, you can jump again. However, you cannot do this if you have no feather icons remaining.
Wall Jump
If you move up against a wall in mid-air, you will grab on to that wall. If you then press the opposite key, you will perform a wall jump. Press Up at the same time, and your wall jump will be angled upward.
Dive Attack
Press Down while in mid-air to perform a dive attack. It's useful for both attacking and evading while in the air.
Shot (attack)
Press Z to fire a shot. If a support character is present, that character will fire a shot as well.
Shot Stock
Press X to store up your shots. The next time you press Z, all your stored shots will be fired simultaneously. If you have 5 shots stocked, your shots will become more powerful and longer ranged.
Change support character
Press C to change your support character (this only works if Sakura is wearing clothes).
Kuroha: While her attack power is low, her shots will home in on the enemies.
Kazari: Fires somewhat powerful shots along a predictable trajectory.
Menu Screen
Press S to open the menu screen.
You can press ESC to quit the game and return to the title screen.
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
- Secret passages can be found in various locations. Secret passages look like normal walls, but you can discover them by entering them. Some items will help you find secret passages. Some secret passages hold items you need to complete the game.
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
- As you progress through the game, you will be presented with the map screen. Use the cursor keys to select a stage and S or Enter to enter it. If you use "Escape" during a stage, you will be returned to the map screen.
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
- Stand in front of a Save Point (the light blue object in the image above) and press Down to open the save menu.
- In the save menu you can record your progress so far. You can later continue playing from this point by opening the load menu from either the title menu or the menu screen.
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
Status Effect: Charm
Temporarily removes your control over Sakura. Sakura will move toward the enemy that charmed him automatically. If that enemy falls unconscious in the meantime you will regain control, but you can not fire any shots until the effect wears off.
Status Effect: Poison
Continuously deals damage to Sakura over a period of time. The effect wears off after a while, and you can use an item to cure it before then.
Status Effect: Slow
Temporarily lowers Sakura's speed. You will be unable to use dive attacks until the effect wears off.
Down Action
Shown mainly when in front of a save point or door. When the icon is displayed in the upper left corner, press Down to perform the relevant action.
Red Circle Action
Shown on some screens. When the icon is show, press S or Enter to perform a special action.
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
- Please update to the latest version of DirectX if you encounter display issues. An issue regarding "character flicker" in scenes with full animation (shop, etc.) has been reported several times, which is resolved by updating DirectX.
DirectX Download
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
- Select "Extra" from the title menu to fight monsters you have defeated or listen to music you have encounter before.
- Select "Settings" from the title menu to adjust the text speed, the difficulty, language setting and sound settings.
If you set the difficulty to "Easy", a small number of enemies will no longer appear in the game.
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
From this point below there are major hints for the game (key locations,
etc.). Hints may spoil aspects of the game, so proceed with caution. If
you wish to proceed, scroll down.
[Light blue Key ] location hints
(1) In Glitter Steppe, in the stage with the ass fairies, strike the
area where the first fairy travels highest, and use the number field
(2) In the Ghost Cave - 3, where the block falls in the upper left,
search the wall to the right below for a hidden passage. In the inner
part of this passage, there is another hidden passage in the floor.
(3) In the Misty Woods - red, in the ceiling passage with the door with
a lock, there's a depression. You will bump your head on a block. Use
the ""Earth Snake"" or another method to break the block and proceed.
(4) In the sunken temple, in the stage with the temple gate, look around
the top area and you will see it.
[ Green Key ] location hints
In the sunken temple, in the stage where you use crystals to open
four doors, go under the spot beneath the lowermost right crystal for a
hidden passage.
[ Very Easy ]
Get 15 "game overs" to unlock Very Easy mode: enemies are much weaker
and deployments are easier.
Copyright(c)2015 木陰の泉
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi
BackUser agreement and credits
User Agreement
Kokage no Izumi makes no guarantees regarding unforeseen consequences resulting from using this product. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program and its content is strictly prohibited. In particular, all sound effects are copyright by their respective creators. Extraction of sound data from this product is prohibited. Similarly, extraction or use of other materials or data of this product is prohibited.
However, there are no restrictions on capturing images (such as taking screenshots) and uploading them to private sites for the purpose of writing reviews. There is no need to ask permission to do this, and Kokage no Izumi does not concern itself with such conduct, but please make it clear that this is an adult title.
Circle name:Kokage no Izumi
Circle representative: Aki
Graphics: Aki,Umeazuki,Tomi,Nunosuke,Yoshio
Character voice: Yuka Kanematsu,Haruna Kirishima,Ino Sakura,Nozomu Nanase, Yum Akatsuki, Hiyori Usami
Music: Kate
Planning, story, script, etc: Aki
Sound effects: Codama Production, Taira Komori, otonomori
E-mote: Powered by E-mote.Copyright (c) 2013 M2 Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved
Copyright(c)2015 Kokage no Izumi